Placing your callers on hold is the perfect opportunity to promote your business, current specials, or play important information, so the last thing you want is audio your callers are struggling to hear!
Trying to decipher crackly, stuttering audio is like trying to solve a broken Rubik’s Cube, and unless you operate a scuba diving company, you probably don’t want your phone audio to sound like it’s being played underwater. These kinds of technical issues can feel like a headache, which is why Messages On Hold are the experts in all-things phone audio, so don’t worry – we’re here to help!
Telephone systems & networks come in all shapes and sizes: from cloud to onsite; from PABX to the PSTN; and let’s not forget VoIP – they all prefer certain audio formats to play messages. This is where our professional Sound Engineers come in – they have the expertise and know-how to provide you with the exact format that phone system or playback equipment requires, so your messages will always play to your callers.
What’s more, they’re able to quickly record and produce anything you need in a hurry – our record so far is a five-minute turnaround from the phone technician requesting help, to our Studio recording, mixing, and sending the urgent audio. Now that’s fast!
Other common audio issues include unclear, skipping, or fuzzy audio, music that’s so loud it’s knocks your caller out of their seats, and sometimes, simply silence, or a small buzz, similar to a florescent light globe. These issues can be a head scratcher at best, and a crisis at worst if your messages are playing vital information for your callers to hear. When you partner with Messages On Hold, our team will walk you or your phone technician through any of the audio issues you’re experiencing, and fix them up in no time.
Our team have in-depth knowledge on all kinds of phone audio woes, along with a wealth of experience fixing up phone systems from all walks of life. This means you can have peace of mind knowing you have reliable, friendly technical support when you need it most.
We also take a proactive approach when it comes to your messages – the last thing your callers want to hear are the same messages repeating over and over, especially if your caller is being transferred between departments. Messages On Hold takes care of this – we keep you updated with timely reminders about any messages that are about to run past their use by date, and actively keep an eye on your newsletters, social media, and website news articles to prompt you to freshen up your messages.
Keep your messages clear, engaging, and crackle-free – if you’re experiencing phone audio issues, leave the troubleshooting and re-tuning to the experts: Messages On Hold. Get in touch with our team today to fix up your phone audio, or grab a free demo to hear just how good your messages could sound.