Impressing callers from Germany to Australia

With competition at an all-time high, the difference between winning or losing a sale often comes down to the way you treat your customers. Today, customers expect to be dealt with professionally at every touch point and want to know their custom is appreciated. Successful organisations like Mercedes Benz and QBE Insurance Australia are acutely aware of this, paying close attention to every facet of their communications, including the recorded audio that callers hear.

Callers in this day and age are accustomed to hearing a welcome announcement or subtle on hold promotional messages when they call a business. When these recordings are done well, customers notice.

Take a company like Mercedes Benz. They’ve invested heavily in cultivating their brand over decades; their phone recordings complement that image. The voice is cultured, the scripting is perfect and the music matches their brand.

QBE Insurance Australia also uses professional recordings to support their customer service. When written in a creative manner and combined with perfectly matched voices and appropriate music, recordings help callers perceive an organisation as professional, and to feel confident about them from the very first contact.

At the other end of the scale, callers to a well known workwear clothing company get the opposite impression. Their welcome announcement has been recorded by a staff member in a noisy office. No background music, no smile. That’s followed by a “we’re transferring you” message voiced in a US accent (obviously shipped with the phone system) before callers are subjected to some lacklustre (and very loud) music that loops every 30 seconds. The whole thing screams: “We don’t care!”. Customers pick up on this from the outset and that message is reinforced every time they call.

QBE Insurance Australia, Mercedes Benz and thousands of other businesses use professional production companies like Messages On Hold to enhance their phone image and cross promote products and services. “The difference between creatively scripted, professionally recorded messages and the “do-it-yourself” option is enormous!” admits Kym Illman, Managing Director of Messages On Hold Australia. “When a client switches from in-house to professional recordings, their customers pick up on in it instantly with many passing comment on the improvement.”

Messages On Hold Australia works with most major phone providers and takes delight in providing the productions heard at more than 10,000 business premises around the world.