High risk, high reward. It’s a common phrase in sport – playing a ball across the field and risking a turnover for the potential gain of a clean run to the opposition’s goal. It’s also common in business. The following weird business ideas demonstrate that even the most outlandish, obscure or otherwise ridiculous ventures can pay off big time.
Weird Business Idea 1: Pet Rock
It’s a rock. With a face. And people go bananas for them. I suppose without the emotional ups and downs and bodily functions of other pets this weird business idea’s appeal is easy to see. Another benefit: a pet rock will always outlive its family, avoiding the heartbreaking need to explain to a child what happened to poor old Rover.
Weird Business Idea 2: Sympathy Food
Here’s another weird business idea that makes sense when you think about it. If someone’s going through a rough patch, what do you buy them? I’m confident a significant number of you answered flowers. The problem with flowers is they die and make a mess, and there’s nothing quite like death and clean up to bring good cheer is there? Buying them a hearty, tasty, expensive meal will bring, as the website states “comfort and nourishment”. It’s delivered, eaten, and the waste is easily disposed of.
Weird Business Idea 3: Cheese Sculpting
Remember back when you were a child and you used to arrange food on your plate to look like a smiley face? Sarah “The Cheese Lady” Kaufman has put that concept on steroids and multiplied it by 10. She makes sculptures out of cheese; yes, smelly, oily cheese. You might laugh at the idea, but The Cheese Lady is laughing all the way to the bank. Countless festivals, fairs and sporting events regularly commission her.
Weird Business Idea 4: The Anger Room
Everybody hurts sometimes. And sometimes when you’re hurt, you want to hurt other things. That particularly human need is what this weird business idea satisfies. Put simply, The Anger Room is a literal room where clients select a blunt instrument and break stuff with it. The Anger Room supplies the equipment, all you have to do is select from a five, 15 or 25 minute session and go ballistic.
It just goes to show that if you can identify a niche, and fill it well, it doesn’t matter how ridiculous your weird business idea is. You just might be on to something! Disclaimer: Messages On Hold accepts no responsibility for failed business ideas, related costs and loss of dignity.
– Magnus